is ranked 1344 in the city suburb ranking with an average household
valuation of R1 168 631, as mentioned in the Rawson Properties suburb
report which is updated quartely by Lightstone.
is a suburb which is developing at a rapid pace and with development
comes increases in rates, taxes and property value said Paddy Chapple
city councillour and local estate agent.
Rawston Properties subub report contains extremely interesting
information which pertains to all residents in Observatory. The
report contains interesting other stats
to the report, the estimated average household income range in
Observatory is from R24 000 to R37 000 and is rated as a high living
standard measure.
suburb report states that existing owners keep their homes for eleven
years and more, whereas recent sellers keep homes for five to seven
years and move on.
most common age of recent sellers and existing home owners is from 36
years old to 49 years old. Those who are buying property in
Observatory are aged 18 to 35 years old. This is interesting as it
suggests that Obs is becoming a younger suburb.
far, property sales have decreased from the high 2010 sales of 40
sectional schemes and 139 freeholds to 2012's sales of 14 sectional
schemes and 63 freeholds.
agents in Observatory says the reason for the drop is that people are
holding on to their properties and not selling any off. This is
creating a demand for the properties, and as soon as a property goes
on the market it is sold at a high price.
sales of execution has occurred thus far for the year moving away
from the all-time high of 19 in 2003.Observatory is an area which is
in demand, because it is a very central and convenient location with
easy access to highways in all directions, a relatively clean and
safe neighbourhood with a village feel that allows a person to walk
to the shops and restaurants, dog parks and children’s parks.
Observatory's Liesbeek “River features an abundance of bird-life to
escape the city-feel. The dense but not over-populated demographics
of the suburb together with the history and diverse group of people
living here, creates a community spirit that is more special than
most other places,” says local estate agent Werner Steyn. High
speed internet in the area contribute to the possibility of working
from home, another draw-card to the area. The Victorian charm of the
houses here is another attraction.
Chapple says: “I have a feeling that we will be victims of our own
success as a suburb as property prices are on the rise”.
City conducted a general valuation of all properties on 1 July 2012.
The final valuation roll will be certified by the municipal valuer
and submitted to the City Manager on 31 January 2013 and the roll
will be open for inspection and the lodging of objections during
March and April 2013.
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