Tuesday, 4 September 2012

face lift for drab wall under bridge

ONE of South Africa's top graffiti mural artists gave the old grey walls of the railway bridge in Observatory a face lift.
Mural artists from Mitchell's Plain on the Cape Flats, are painting the mural next to the planned giant chest board. The two artists, who were recruited by the Observatory Improvement District (OBSID) have been painting for ten years and featured in a number of hip-hop magazine and blogs, building a quite formidable reputation.
The giant chest board, as well as the mural, is one of the beautification projects implemented by the OBSID. The pixie figures which are featured in the mural are the size of the actual chess pieces and brings warmth and beauty to the area.
The artists did not want to reveal their proper names, and gave their noms de plume as Seth one and Conform. They both work for Artsad, a creative marketing company that employed them after they saw their work.
The artists originally approached the Obsid to graffiti the walls, but were turned down at first.
The mural of pixies playing chess in a forest was completed within two days. They thought of the idea on the day.
Seth one is competing in a competition called Uncontainable Hip-Hop to showcase his work. The best graffiti artists in South Africa will compete.
Seth says: “My style is influenced greatly by the gutters (streets) and the rawness of its people, allowing me a more real perspective in an artistic sense. I am aiming to reach greater levels in this industry as an artist from the gutters. I'm sure when it comes to originality as an artist; my style would be hard to match”.
To vote for him, simply visit spritehiphop.co.za and vote for Sethane.

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