Monday, 17 September 2012

Battery theft back?

BATTERY theft seems to be on the rise once following a lull after a spate in which at least sixty batteries were stolen from cars parked in Observatory last year.

Frank Schuitemaker, an Obs resident who compiles local crime statistics drawn from the Obsid Public Safety patrollers, the Obs Neighbourhood Watch and word-of-mouth, has logged three battery thefts in August.
Scott Road was targeted recently, where a battery was stolen out of a resident’s bakkie. According to a neighbour, Debra West, this is the fourth time that this has happened and that it has cost her neighbours thousands of rands to replace.
Frank reports that motor vehicle theft has also increased to six cases from four in the previous month. The vehicles are mostly stolen at night.
Theft out of motor vehicles has decreased from a spike of 27 to 14 thefts over the past month. Frank says that half of these occurrence on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and half happen in the mornings.
Robberies have increased from seven to ten incidents in the last month. They seem to happen mostly on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Frank has also recorded 12 incidents of copper piping theft, mostly from Scott and Oxford Street.
Based in the figures, Frank has identified the following streets as crime "hot-spots" during August (the number of incidents in brackets): Lower main Road (26), Oxford Road (17), Scott Road (14), Station Road (11), Trill Road, Arnold and Polo Road (9 each), Milton Road (7), Rochester Road (6), and James Road, Donne Road, Main Road, Bowden Road, Irwell Street and Wrench Road (4 each).

1 comment:

  1. Great information! I’ve been looking for something like this for a while now. Thanks!

    Battery for laptop
