Thursday, 6 December 2012

Where to buy drugs in Obs?

Interviews by ObsLife with recovering local drug addicts has revealed a fascinating picture of a lively and brazen drug trade in the village, controlled mainly by two mid-ranking dealers.
Getting drugs in Obs is as easy as walking into a club and asking who sells. 
Heroin, tik, marijuana and buttons seem to be popular among the users in Observatory, and a fix, which is about 30grams can cost from R30 upwards.
ObsLife managed to interview two recovering drug- addicts who bought and used drugs in Observatory. Their names cannot be revealed for their safety. They painted a detailed picture of the brazen drug trade in Obs, and how drugs are traded on street corners and in clubs. .
According to the recovering addicts, who were interviewed separately and did not know each other prior to their rehabilitation, most of the street-corner dealing that they knew of took place on the corner of Norfolk and Lower Main, the corner of Nuttal and Station Road and at the bus-stop on the corner of Station and Main Road. 
They also described how drug trade takes place in  Mezani's on the corner of Trill and Main Road, Cozy Bar in Lower Main Road, Groove Lounge in Lower Main Road, and Oriental Pub and Restaurant in Main Road. .
Cozy Bar apparently has a reputation for cheap, low-quality drugs, while the dealers working around Mezani and Oriental offer “good quality stuff”.  Mezani was also mentioned as the main storage place for drugs. This ties in with a drug bust earlier this year in which the police arrested two suspected drug dealers at the club.
One of the recovering addicts, who named Obs his "playground" and has been a user for 18 years, said that there are two main dealers who operate in Observatory. They are not the only dealers, but they are best known for the consistent quality of their drugs. 
The recovering addicts described how drugs are traded on the spot, as a simple swop of money and merchandise. Asked if there were any evasive tricks such as paying for the drugs on one spot and collecting it at another, they said the only precaution the street-level dealers take is to keep a packet of the drugs in their months so that they can swallow it if they are raided.
He said that he believes that the police are in cahoots with the dealers, because they know who the dealers are they see the transactions taking place, but they don't arrest the dealers, instead they arrest the buyers. "The police are in it 100 percent...there's no doubt in my mind". One of the addicts described how every Sunday, dealers would hand out a free packet of drugs, called “boosters” to their regular buyers.
He said that as far as he knows, not much dealing takes place from houses in Observatory. , but mentioned a house in Lower Scott Road and in Baker Street.

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