Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Bustling Obs library starts its own book club

The Observatory library was chosen as a pilot site for a library-based book club, and hosts book club meetings on the first Saturday of each month. 
Nadia Ismail, the librarian in charge of the book club, says the project was kept very low-key in the pilot phase, which ran from April to September. The idea of library book clubs is currently under review, and will continue as usual until the City makes its final decision. If the project works, the City will be launching a book-club system for all libraries by next year.
Nadia said that it is a very informal book club, and there are about ten regular members. They’ve managed to read widely, from romances by JR Ward to the memoirs of the Duke of Windsor.
The book club meets every first Saturday from 9.30am to 10.30 am at the library.  
Meanwhile, a Sub-council 15 quarterly library report revealed that Obs library had 8741 visitors from April to June, up from 7110 people in the previous quarter.  Nadia says the library is traditionally busier in the winter months than in summer. The library’s membership now stands at about 6 000. In the last quarter, 99 new members signed up.
Apart from the usual books, CDs, DVDs and newspapers, the library also offers free internet access to members. 
The library provides residents with holiday activities for the children as well as weekly story telling sessions, and the Friends of Obs Library knit baby beanies and socks for the Mowbray maternity ward. 

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